Riot at the sheep dog trials

Nobody talks about Bulgaria on the news anymore
We started a riot at the sheepdog trails
We can't take no more
We started a riot at the sheepdog trails
We can't take no more
And nobody talks about Bulgaria on
the news anymore

Well Bill was a sheepdog,he wasn't a cheap dog
He could hold hiw own
Quick on the turn and good at the gate
Worse his weight in gold
And nobody talks about Bulgaria on
the news anymore
We started a riot at the sheepdog trails
And Billy knew the score

He really knows his sheep
He loves the rolling hills
Come on Lad,get them here

Well Bill was a sheepdog,he wasn't a cheap dog
He could hold his own
He fell oiff a mountain and wounded his front paw
And he broke a bone
Now Bill just watches the rest of the dogs
From the kitchen door
And nobody talks about Bulgaria on
the news anymore

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